Zastanawiałaś się kiedyś, skąd inne osoby biorą pomysły na takie super stylizacje? Nic prostszego – z głowy. Są tą ich własne indywidualne koncepcje dopasowane do urody i sylwetki. Między innymi dlatego powstało tyle fashionistek, które co raz pod nos podsuwają nowości w świecie mody. Jednakże czy naprawdę stworzenie czegoś swojego jest aż takie trudne? Dlaczego panuje powszechne przekonanie, iż sporządzanie autorskiego charakteru modowego jest trudne? Kompletna bzdura. Przecież zamiast nowości, możesz wykorzystać to co już masz. Przecież własny styl nie musi koniecznie oznaczać czegoś nowego.


CIEPŁO I ELEGANCKO – skąd sukienka?

Za drzwiami hula wiatr, niekiedy już śnieg. Ciągle tylko spodnie, spodnie i spodnie. Ale kurcze! Chcesz jakiejś zmiany w swoim wyglądzie! Patrzysz na włosy – nieee, za bardzo Ci się podobają. Może jakiś inny makijaż? Też nieee, uwielbiasz smokey eyes. Logiczne zatem to, że wybierzesz ubiór. Ale co jeżeli masz tylko spodnie i chcesz założyć sukienkę, a w szafie pustka? Nie martw się. Specjalnie dla Ciebie przybliżę Ci skąd się wywodzi sukienka oraz  zrobię jej przegląd, w których zrobisz efekt WOW! Sukienka beżowa i szara – najmodniejsze kolory tego sezonu. Oba fasony są eleganckie, z czego do drugiego można dobrać zarówno szpilki, jak i trampki. Ciekawe jest to, że w dzisiejszych czasach założenie sukienki do pracy bądź uczelni, albo w inne miejsce, jest zawsze skwitowane “ale się wystroiłaś!”. Spodnie stały się bardzo pospolitym elementem garderoby, zaś sukienka niekoniecznie. W starożytności sukienki nosili również mężczyźni, z racji tego, iż były one proste, lekkie i przewiewne. Sukienka składała się z dwóch warstw – spodniej i wierzchniej. Krój elegancki zakładało się przez głowę, zaś część spodnią tylko wtedy gdy chodziło się po domu bądź do pracy. Prawdziwą kobiecą suknią była dopiero ta, która u góry była obcisła, ramiona odsłonięte, a dół luźny i zwiewny. Był to krój, który nie tylko panował u dam dworskich, ale i też u kobiet mieszczańskich. Jedyna różnica, którą można było odczuć, była w materiale. Wiadomo, kobiet mieszczańskich nie było stać na wykwintne produkty. Prócz wcześniej wymienionych kolorów, w tym roku furorę robi również butelkowa zieleń! Kroje, przedstawione wyżej pasują do każdego typu figury – zakryją to czego pokazać nie chcesz, a uwydatnią Twoje atuty ;-). Kolejnym przełomowym etapem sukni, było dodanie mnóstwa falbanów oraz rozłożystości. Suknia była ciężka, za sprawą masywnej budowy oraz kolistej obręczy wokół bioder. Ten efekt ciągnie się do dziś, np. przy produkcji sukien ślubnych. Tzw. princesska jest dalej chętnie kupowana przez przyszłe panny młode. Do sukienki, a raczej spódnicy doszły gorsety. W późniejszych czasach tworzone były z wikliny oraz skóry. Po gorsecie do mody weszły sukienki a’la francaise. Pewnie w tym momencie podrapałaś się po głowie i zapytałaś sama siebie “a cóż to jest?”. Już spieszę Ci z odpowiedzią na pytanie. Są to plisy biegnące wzdłuż talii. Założę się, że wiedziałaś, iż takie coś istnieje, ale nigdy byś nie wpadła na to, jak to faktycznie się nazywa


Modne dodatki – stwórz dzięki nim stylowy street look!

Diabeł tkwi w szczegółach. Nie tylko, gdy coś mówimy lub piszemy. Detale są istotne również, gdy chodzi o modowe stylizacje. Nawet najbanalniejszy zestaw ubrań może „rozkwitnąć” i nabrać kolorów, jeśli zestawimy go z designerską torebką, szałowymi butami czy biżuterią. To szczególnie ważne w kontekście street fashion. Na ulicy bowiem obowiązuje swoiste prawo dżungli: albo się wyróżnimy, albo… zginiemy w tłumie. Jak zatem wyraźnie zaznaczyć swoje miejsce, czerpiąc inspiracje z casualowych trendów? Oto kilka sztuczek, które pomogą Ci przełamać wszystkie schematy. Think big, czyli duże jest piękne I nie chodzi bynajmniej o dużą ilość tłuszczyku (choć kochanego ciała nigdy za wiele!), a o dodatki do ubrań, przybierające rozmiar XXL. Już od kilku sezonów niemałą popularnością cieszą się choćby „za duże” torebki – takie, które można zarzucić na ramię, lub wziąć do ręki. Szczególnie latem, gdy możemy się bawić kolorami i designem jeszcze odważniej, warto sięgnąć po jedną z nich. Duża torba – zwłaszcza w designerskim kształcie półksiężyca, który teraz jest absolutnym hitem – przełamie klasyczne proporcje sylwetki, zwróci na siebie uwagę i pokaże, że nie boisz się odważnego designu. A poza tym – pomieści wszystko, czego potrzebujesz. Casualowo – sportowe dodatki nie muszą być nudne Wystarczy spojrzeć na kolekcje sportowego obuwia, które wkroczyło do świata mody całkiem niedawno. Odważne, wyraziste kolory i wzory, fasony, które zapewniają nie tylko komfort, ale i nietuzinkowy look. Zakładaj je bez obawy nie tylko na bieżnię czy do klubu sportowego, ale i na spacer, do baru czy na spotkanie ze znajomymi. Dziś to nie „obciach”, a prawdziwy hit mody ulicy! Modne są również torebki – plecaczki. Zarówno te typowo sportowe – które założysz nawet do sportowego dresu, wybierając się na siłownię, jak i te nieco bardziej eleganckie. Je możesz zestawić ze zwiewną sukienką czy modnymi spodniami – haremkami i płaskimi butami. Efekt będzie powalający! Etno look? Czemu nie! Tym, co kochamy w street fashion jest możliwość łączenia różnorodnych trendów i stylów w jedną całość. Jeśli chcesz nadać swojej stylizacji bardziej indywidualnego charakteru, podkreślając swoją tożsamość lokalną, sięgnij po dodatki związane z Polską czy Twoim regionem. Przykład? Na Śląsku coraz częściej widzi się dziewczyny z lnianymi, dużymi torbami z napisami w języku śląskim. Możesz również postawić na typowo etniczne, „łowickie” wzorki na apaszce czy biżuterię etno – wybór należy do Ciebie! Jak widać, możliwości istnieje cała moc. Ciesz się nimi i komponuj dodatki, bez zamykania się w schematach i sztywnych ramach. Otwórz głowę i baw się stylem – to on ma odzwierciedlać Ciebie, a nie Ty jego! Artykuł Modne dodatki – stwórz dzięki nim stylowy street look! pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

History of Victoria’s Secret’s Sexiest Angels


History of Victoria’s Secret’s Sexiest Angels

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł History of Victoria’s Secret’s Sexiest Angels pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

What Nude Underwear Should Really Look Like


What Nude Underwear Should Really Look Like

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł What Nude Underwear Should Really Look Like pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

What Nude Underwear Should Really Look Like


What Nude Underwear Should Really Look Like

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł What Nude Underwear Should Really Look Like pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

Vintage Fashion: 3 Modern Ways To Shop The Decades


Vintage Fashion: 3 Modern Ways To Shop The Decades

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł Vintage Fashion: 3 Modern Ways To Shop The Decades pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

The 5 New Watch Trends To Try Now


The 5 New Watch Trends To Try Now

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł The 5 New Watch Trends To Try Now pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

Top Stylists Share Their Secrets For RED CARPET


Top Stylists Share Their Secrets For RED CARPET

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł Top Stylists Share Their Secrets For RED CARPET pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

Cheryl Steals Kate Middleton’s Beauty Icon Status


Cheryl Steals Kate Middleton’s Beauty Icon Status

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł Cheryl Steals Kate Middleton’s Beauty Icon Status pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

History of Victoria’s Secret’s Sexiest Angels


History of Victoria’s Secret’s Sexiest Angels

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł History of Victoria’s Secret’s Sexiest Angels pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

We Found the Sexiest Lingerie on the Internet


We Found the Sexiest Lingerie on the Internet

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł We Found the Sexiest Lingerie on the Internet pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

Everyone Saved the Best Accessories For Last at MFW


Everyone Saved the Best Accessories For Last at MFW

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł Everyone Saved the Best Accessories For Last at MFW pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

Everyone Saved the Best Accessories For Last at MFW


Everyone Saved the Best Accessories For Last at MFW

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł Everyone Saved the Best Accessories For Last at MFW pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

The 10 Runway Trends You’ll Be Wearing This Year


The 10 Runway Trends You’ll Be Wearing This Year

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł The 10 Runway Trends You’ll Be Wearing This Year pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.

Cheryl Steals Kate Middleton’s Beauty Icon Status


Cheryl Steals Kate Middleton’s Beauty Icon Status

Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world.I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. It’s the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. Everything I do is a matter of heart, body and soul. Age and size are only numbers. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person Confidence! If you have it, you can make anything look good I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Attitude is everything. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. 1. Accessories With Personality Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. I’ve treated the waistcoat as if it were a corset, so that it becomes the first layer in the process of putting clothes on the body. There is constant motion between layering and revealing. 2. Flower Print for Spring Elegance isn’t solely defined by what you wear. It’s how you carry yourself, how you speak, what you read. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. You’re only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure. Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. Attitude is everything. You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. My dresses are very reasonably priced, for dresses that are cut on the body. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. 3. Glasses Are a Must Have I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. War taught me that not everything is glamorous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn’t like it. I always wanted to do other things. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like a young person. 4.Express Your Emotions We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I’m an accomplice to helping women get what they want. I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening   Artykuł Cheryl Steals Kate Middleton’s Beauty Icon Status pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.


Moda ulicy czy moda ulic?

Street fashion kochamy wszystkie. Casualowy, a zarazem designerski look, który daje szerokie pole do popisu, gdy chodzi o łączenie różnorodnych stylów i trendów w unikalną całość – oto, co dziś możemy obserwować zarówno na ulicach wielkich miast, jak i małych miasteczek. Czy jednak street fashion da się w ogóle w jakikolwiek sposób zaszufladkować? O ile ogólne wyznaczniki tego stylu są dość jasne i uniwersalne, o tyle z przełożeniem praktycznym bywa różnie. Bo czy 5th Avenue w Nowym Jorku, londyńskie Soho i warszawski Nowy Świat to ulice mające taki sam klimat? Absolutnie nie! I właśnie dlatego, lepiej street fashion na język polski tłumaczyć nie jako „modę ulicy”, a „modę ULIC”. Bo ulic jest wiele – podobnie jak gustów i tożsamości. Co miasto, to street look Flagowy Nowy Jork, na którym wiele fanek mody się wzoruje,  to typowy amerykański „melting pot”. Miejsce, gdzie miesza się wiele kultur, narodowości, a wraz z nim – trendów w świecie mody.  Multi – kulti i prawdziwy indywidualizm stylistyczny widać tu na każdym kroku. I nikogo nie zdziwi hinduskie sari w połączeniu z designerskimi sneakersami czy kolorowa niczym pawie pióra kurtka połączona z wzorzystymi spodniami. Londyn jest już zupełnie inny. Choć także wielokulturowy i otwarty na modowe szaleństwa, jest bardziej „funkcjonalny”. Street look, który tu dominuje, to przede wszystkim stylizacje maksymalnie komfortowe. Luźne spodnie, sportowe buty w wysmakowanym stylu… jest się czym inspirować! Spojrzeć warto również w stronę Dalekiego Wschodu, na przykład do Tokio. Dla przeciętnego Europejczyka, stylizacje z japońskiej ulicy mogą być niejednokrotnie szokujące. Wszak Japończycy są miłośnikami cosplay (przebierania się za postaci z komiksów, filmów czy mangi) i nie stronią od naprawdę szalonej kolorystyki czy outfitów niemal z kosmosu. Tu dozwolone jest naprawdę wszystko! Także nad Wisłą A jak wyglądają polskie ulice? Choć daleko nam jeszcze do szaleństwa ze światowych stolic mody, Polki i Polacy coraz odważniej bawią się modowymi trendami, pokazując w tym wszystkim swoje własne „ja”. Inspiracji nam nie brakuje – czerpiemy je zarówno ze świata wielkiej mody, jak i z naszych tradycji folklorystycznych i etnicznych oraz z… szaf naszych mam oraz babć. Efekt jest absolutnie zachwycający! Warto zatem spróbować pobawić się casualowymi trendami, przełamując modowe schematy. Street fashion jest dostępna dla każdego: bez względu na lokalizację i zasobność portfela. Artykuł Moda ulicy czy moda ulic? pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.


Luz blues, czyli modne spodnie

Do szkoły, do pracy, na zakupy… Spodnie stały się nieodłączną częścią kobiecej garderoby dobrze ponad sześćdziesiąt lat temu. Która z nas jest w stanie sobie wyobrazić swoją szafę bez choć kilku par? Pytanie więc nie „czy”, a jakie spodnie kupić, by wpisać się w trendy street fashion na 2016 rok? Jeśli myślisz o rurkach czy innych obcisłych modelach, lepiej pomyśl jeszcze raz. Ten sezon to przede wszystkim czas luźnych fasonów. Wysoki stan to absolutny hit Niezależnie od tego, czy wybierzesz spodnie jeansowe, z dzianiny czy skórzane, kluczem do modowego sukcesu będzie ich wysoki stan. Wysoko zapinane w talii spodnie wybierają ikony mody prosto z Paryża, Mediolanu czy Rzymu. Takie spodnie podkreślą Twoje kobiece kształty i wysmuklą sylwetkę. Świetnie spiszą się zarówno w przypadku pań szczupłych, jak i tych noszących nieco większe rozmiary. W zestawieniu z luźną koszulą, wciągniętą do wewnątrz czy żakietem/ kardiganem typu waterfall będą wyglądać rewelacyjnie! Wrzuć na luz Zapomnij o rurkach czy jeansach typu slim. W tym sezonie liczą się wyłącznie luźne fasony. W modzie są choćby spodnie cullotes – szczególnie w krótszym wydaniu, tj. do połowy łydki lub tuż za kolano. Ułóż je luźno na biodrach, a do kompletu załóż płaskie buty, uzyskując sportowy look prosto z żurnala! Inne, jeszcze luźniejsze modele – nawet klasyczne już haremki, sprawdzą się na ten sezon jak ulał. A poza tym – w letnie, upalne dni, zapewnią Ci pełen komfort, nawet podczas najbardziej aktywnego dnia. Jeśli jeansy, to jakie? Jeansy to ponadczasowy trend modowy. Sięgnij więc po nie bez wahania. Jeśli zaś szukasz konkretnego modelu, w 2016 roku mieszają się ze sobą dwa trendy. Po pierwsze, w cenie są vintage’owe jeansy „po mamie”. Przetarcia, dziury, podwyższony stan… to wszystko będzie wyglądać świetnie. Pamiętaj jednak, by sięgnąć po wysokogatunkowy, szlachetny jeans bez stretchu – taki, który się nie rozciąga. Tylko dzięki niemu stworzysz retro – look, który pozwoli Ci brylować. Drugi trend to… obcięte nogawki. Nie, nie podwinięte, a po prostu obcięte – nawet niesymetrycznie. Takie jeansy możesz zarówno kupić w modowych butikach, jak i… wykonać samodzielnie. Wystarczy stara para jeansów i nożyczki – spróbuj! To nie tylko trend dla odważnych! Bez względu na to, jaki styl spodni sobie cenisz, pomiędzy tymi, które są obecnie modne, z łatwością możesz znaleźć coś dla siebie. Artykuł Luz blues, czyli modne spodnie pochodzi z serwisu LoveStreetFashion.


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Czy warto zaczynać wszystko od zera?


Czy warto zaczynać wszystko od zera?

Uwielbiam takie upalne lato. Popołudnie po pracy… Siedzisz w zacienionej kuchni, rozparta na krześle, nogi wyciągnięte przed sobą tak żeby żadna część ciała się nie dotykała. Wiatrak niemrawo miesza tę gorącą zupę, która unosi się wokół Ciebie zamiast powietrza. W głośniku Lana del Rey śpiewa o „Summertime Sadness”… Przypominasz sobie tamto lato. Lato, które było wypełnione marzeniami i możliwościami. Siedziałaś pod szkołą, wygrzewałaś się w popołudniowym słońcu niczym kot i paliłaś tanie papierosy. W trakcie rozmów z najlepszym przyjacielem z jednego marzenia przeskakiwaliście na drugie, żonglowaliście planami i nie było żadnych wątpliwości, że wszystko jeszcze przed Wami bo oto zaczęła się upragniona dorosłość. Sukces czekał na wyciągnięcie ręki, a czas potrzebny by go osiągnąć wydawał się iluzją. Jeszcze nie wiedzieliśmy, że za miesiąc nasze życie wywróci się do góry nogami – nie dostaniemy się na wymarzone studia i będziemy musieli w popłochu szukać alternatywy dla dotychczasowych planów.   Zmiana planów W ciągu kolejnych 10 lat jeszcze kilkakrotnie zmieniałam swój pomysł na życie. Ostatni raz przed dwoma laty gdy wróciłam po rocznym pobycie z Gruzji. To był trudny moment, bo wiedziałam już, że dotychczasowa formuła, którą wymyśliłam sobie 5 lat wcześniej, już nie ma racji bytu. Reforma szkolnictwa i zmiana uczelni wyższych w kiepsko prosperujące biznesy (w których trzeba przepuszczać miernoty byle hajs się zgadzał) sprawiły, że zupełnie straciłam serce do kontynuowania kariery naukowej. Do tego ta niepewność jutra, ciągłe staranie się o granty i stypendia zamiast realnej pracy naukowej…  W efekcie czułam, że to co robię przestało sprawiać mi frajdę i jeśli pójdę tą drogą to będzie tylko gorzej. Nie ma łatwych decyzji To nie była łatwa decyzja, do której naprawdę długo dojrzewałam. Wiele osób z mojego środowiska było nią nawet mocno zaskoczonych – szczególnie dziwiła w kontekście moich wcześniejszych sukcesów. Ale mimo to, gdy już podjęłam decyzję, to się jej trzymałam. Znów zaczynałam wszystko od początku. Zmiany przynoszą… zmiany Dziś jestem tam gdzie jestem. Mam pracę, która lubię bo wciąż się w niej rozwijam i poszerzam zakres kompetencji. Mam też hobby, dzięki któremu ciągle się czegoś uczę i poszerzam swoje horyzonty. Ale to nie znaczy, że wszystko jest już przesądzone. Tak naprawdę nie wiem gdzie będę za kolejnych pięć lat. Czy spakuję walizkę i wyjadę na Korfu w poszukiwaniu słońca? A może będę prowadzić własną firmę i tworzyć filmy poklatkowe? Kto wie? Tyle jeszcze przede mną! Co dalej? Od tamtego popołudnia minęło 10 lat, a ja wciąż gdy przychodzi lato czuję radość, bo świat wciąż stoi otworem, mimo że przecież minęło wiele czasu, wiele szans nie zostało wykorzystanych, a plany zostały wielokrotnie zmienione. Ale to nieistotne. Ważne, jest czuć nadal tę energię, czuć radość na nadchodzące wakacje, czuć słońce na powiekach. I nie oglądać się za siebie. Bo zmiany są w życiu potrzebne – unikając ich w efekcie stoisz w miejscu. A co z Wami? Pamiętacie siebie sprzed 10 lat? jakie były wtedy Wasze plany? Jak wyobrażaliście sobie siebie za 10 lat?  Założę się że widzieliście się w zupełnie innym miejscu. To dobrze czy źle? Czy warto się tym w ogóle przejmować? Chyba nie. photo:  SomeDriftwood, CC BY-NC 2.0, www.flickr.com/photos/arthurjohnpicton/4383221264/sizes/l Post Czy warto zaczynać wszystko od zera? pojawił się poraz pierwszy w LOVE STREET FASHION.